Still no pictures, starting to wonder if the boat is real. The problem is that things are starting to fall into place which makes for impatience. I need the pictures now. I want to go and look at the boat, today not next week or next year, now, now, now. Sorry about that but the excitement is starting to build and it is becoming harder to contain.
Finally got some pictures on Saturday morning but was a bit disappointed. In the pictures it looks as if the boat has only just been started with a refit and lots and lots still has to be done. I spoke to the owner again and he said that the project is about ninety percent complete, however his ninety and my ninety may be slightly different. We have looked at some boats before were the advert said only ten percent to go to completion and when we looked there was about fifty percent not done yet. I believe that people don’t realize exactly what they are getting into when they start with this kind of project and then slowly discover that they may have bitten of more than they can chew. The owner said that his computer crashed and that he sent it in for repairs and should have it back today, then he would send more pictures and an inventory list. We will just have to wait and see.
As things get more wrapped up and the time to leave is coming closer, one starts to question if you are making the correct decisions or not. I mean this is a huge decision to decide that you are going to leave everything that you know and are familiar with behind and head off into the unknown and uncertain future, with no choice of return to the things that you are used to. But then I decided to make a list of the events that took place in the last few weeks at work. Last week Tuesday one of my cars was involved in an accident and was sent to the panel shop for repairs. On Friday the car came back to the office but the starter motor was not working and thus went of to the car electrical shop. The car came back from the car electrical shop on Tuesday and was involved in another accident on Thursday. In the meantime we have been issued with two notices to appear at the CCMA for two different X employees. We are also busy with an investigation into another employee that is supplying lifts to some strangers that work at a local club at night. The reason we became aware of this is because one of the strangers contacted our one manager and told him that he could not pay for the lift one night so our employee beat him up. So it appears that we are running a small mafia taxi service on the side line were you will get cement shoes if you don’t pay. Sadly it appears to be a non profit organisation as I am not benefiting from this taxi service. This morning when I arrived at the office another two of the cars have broken alternators, strange how both cars suddenly have broken alternators. A few weeks ago one of these cars strangely and all by its self replaced its own battery with a none working battery. Some months ago the same car decided to replace its own gearbox, but the car is not very bright as it replaced its five speed gearbox with a four speed broken one, obviously I would never notice this. So then I received the following phone call ‘ Eish boss the car she is broken with the gearbox, she is not able to change a the gears.’ Welcome to Africa. Anyway after perusing the past couple of weeks I decided that even without a boat I should head off into the ocean, even if I have to swim or row, or perhaps I should just drown myself in the bath ha ha. Have to laugh else I would probably go completely insane.
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