This week we decided to get stuck into the housework that we have ignored for some time. We went down to what used to be Mica but is now Build it, same people different name, to get some plumbing parts so that we could complete the second bathroom in the house that we have neglected to do. Its my fault, I am the one that loses interest in a project as soon as it is good enough, so I therefore never finish anything to perfection but rather to “ it will just have to do as long as it works”.
Shower pipes |
However it has come to the stage where I have no more choice but to complete the house before December this year since we want to move onto the boat and rent out the house. Then the serious boat work will begin. At the moment the boat isn’t really sea worthy in my opinion. One of the many problems is that the refrigeration is powered by 220 volts and the big double door fridge freezer has not even been secured, so every time we go over a wave I watch the fridge as it starts to walk around in the saloon looking for a place to fall over and I start to imagine the damage it would cause. Next the sliding door has a small latch at the top of the door that is supposed to keep the door in a certain position. This latch has no clip in it thus it works itself loose after a few waves and then the sliding door slams open and closed, open and closed, open and closed again until I can get to it to fasten the latch again. And so on and so forth.
We had another visit from my mother and stepfather this weekend and he compared our intended boat trip to a drunk driver taking his child in the car and driving down the road. When I asked him how these two things could possibly be related he said that my kids have no choice in the matter just like a child of a drunk driver has no choice.
Wow! I never saw that one coming. Maybe he has a point, taking little children out into the big deep ocean can be dangerous, but way less so than taking them on any public road, less traffic for one thing, therefore less drunk drivers.
Okay at the risk of loosing everything I am going to admit that I have been following
Bumfuzzle. His site has been one of the many sites that we have found that have just made this planned trip become impossible to ignore. What amazes me is the help that people have offered Pat and Ali, but then again I suppose if I read that they needed something that was possible for me to provide I too would offer to help.
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