22 Oct. 10
Some time ago when we were down at the boat I was just standing on the walk-on watching the water when I noticed some small fish ripping away at what looked like a piece of white bread. They were darting in grabbing a small section of the bread in their mouth and then tearing a small piece off. Then my mind started up and I had to take a closer look because logic sense told me that the bread should be easier to eat as it would have been made quiet soggy being in the water for a while already. It was then that I noticed that the piece of bread was actually a white spray mask. These small fish where tearing away and swallowing a spray mask. I started to see imagines of these tiny fish floating belly up down the river in a few days time. This was at about the same time Lola and I had been painting the black board on Yrumoar. After painting I had to go and clean the paint brushes. The paint was water based so cleaning the brush required that it be rinsed under the tap. Whilst rinsing the brush I gave some thought as to where the waste chemicals go and it was nice to watch the paint dissolve off the brush and disappear into the drain. Then I looked towards the water and noticed that the drain empties out straight into the estuary and all I could see was this discoloured green chemical filled liquid running into the water. I immediately started to panic. Now what? What are my options? Do I stop cleaning the brush and just dump them straight into the dustbin so that they can be shipped off to a dump site and slowly leak poison into the ground water as they rot away? Where does the answer lie? It seems no matter which way I go I am going to be wrong.
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