Tuesday, June 18, 2013

10 Jun. 13

Yesterday the weather was crap and it was cold so we stayed on the boat with the door closed. Lola baked a bread and some rolls stuffed with boerewors for lunch. Later in the afternoon she also baked a cake. Her baking helped to keep the boat warm and was delicious. Today the sun is shining again but the wind is still quite cold.


11 Jun. 13

Imagine being able to get up every morning, sit outside drinking coffee and watch the birds in the sky. Deciding what you would like to do for the day and not what you have to do. Sounds perfect doesn’t it. Oh how I wish for that.


12 Jun. 13

A friend asked me to attend a site meeting in New Germany in Durban today. He works in Joeys and it would save him the flights and car rentals etc. I am excited about doing it since it gives me something to do for the day. It also gives me the opportunity to mess with him. I like messing with people. After the meeting I will start sending him messages asking him questions regarding my new found employment. Things like, “So now that I am a full time employee, when do I get to go on leave. What benefits come with the job and when do I get to meet the shop steward so that I can join the union.” He loves his union workers and I know this will make him very happy.


13 Jun. 13

Yesterday was a lot of fun. I never realised how different it would feel wearing my denims again. For the last two years I have only worn shorts and the occasional tracksuit in the evenings when it was cold. Except of course for the one dress-up day at the spar when I tried to sell some sunscreen, but that was different and I still wore shorts. So believing I was dressed to kill we drove to the meeting. We left very early since I didn’t want to be late due to some or other unforeseen event like traffic jams or broken traffic lights. This gave us time to kill when we arrived almost two hours early so we decided to wash the car that had been standing under a tree and looked like a bird dumping site. I had forgotten its colour it had been so long. The meeting was around the corner from the place we repaired our alternator and we popped in for a visit trying to kill some time. It is strange to visit people you don’t know especially ones you only met once for business and have no business with now however we did have a problem with the repair and needed to get it fixed so it wasn’t that strange. While waiting for the technician to check the alternator I made our first suntan cream sale to the receptionist.

At the meeting Lola and I were the only one's dressed in jeans and all the other reps had suits. My suit was on the backseat of the car and I thought about putting it on but decided that I would rather be dressed in my jeans and sailing in Mauritius T shirt anyway since I would rather be sailing in Mauritius than be at the meeting any day.


During the meeting I realised why I no longer have my own business. It is just so much effort with so many different laws and irrelevant crap that has nothing to do with the product or service you are providing. Then of course there would be all the employees and the unions and the and and…… no thank you. I wouldn’t swop my simple uncomplicated but slightly poor life I have now for all the money in the world.


18 Jun. 13

My mother and stepfather came down to Toti for their by-annual timeshare week again on Friday and we went to visit for the weekend. We haven’t seen them since last year and it was good to catch up.
While visiting we took a walk on the beach and I sold a few of our sunscreens while Rauen did some tricks on his skateboard. I thank all those people on the beach that took the time to listen to me and supported us by opening their wallets and buying some of our product.



During this week I will get back to the repair list and hope to make some progress with our steps. Keagan is coming down on Sunday to visit for the school holidays and I am excited to see him. We also haven’t seen him since last year. We are still not sure when or if we are leaving and which direction we will go but have to wait until Keagan has visited and Rauen has gone on a course for his home schooling up in Joeys.

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