Thursday, November 14, 2013

Around Port Elizabeth

07 Nov. 13

We decided to take a walk to the Spar about two kilometres from the harbour entrance and passed the South End Museum so decided to take a look. The museum is about the forced removal in 1960 of the people who lived there and includes some history about all the different race groups in the Eastern Cape. It’s true that history is written by the victor and since I was taught history in the apartheid era I can see how it has been changed to suit the new South Africa. I was taught that Vasco Da Gama landed near here somewhere and was attacked by the locals. He killed many of them in the battle and drove them off. He obviously won at the time otherwise I wouldn’t have known about it since he would have been dead and couldn’t relay his story. Now the new history goes that he landed here and “stole” water so the locals attacked him suffered very little casualties and they drove him off. I suppose every story has two sides, depends who is telling it. I also noticed the new South African history starts in 1950. Before 1950 nothing happened and no humans walked the planet. I know the old government was stupid and did some really atrocious deeds that nobody is proud of but these things did happen and should be noted in history so we don’t make the same mistakes in future. We can get to make new ones instead.


My first impressions of Port Elizabeth. From where we sit in the harbour it is an attractive city. The buildings are interesting and modern and the landscape clean and good looking. About the locals, PE must have the most attractive women in SA and Rauen and I have been exercising our neck muscles as we have to spin our heads from one attraction to the next.


 08 Nov. 13

We caught a taxi to the airport to pick up a rented car. Afterwards we drove to one of the many malls in PE to meet Leon an old friend from Lola’s school days. We arrived a bit early for the meeting so took a walk around the mall and looked in one or two of the shops. Leon arrived a few minutes later and we had coffee while Lola caught up on years gone by departing with “lets not wait 20 years till we meet again.” However, our future is now so uncertain we can never tell when or if we will ever see someone again.


Yesterday we drove to Jeffreys Bay to see Lola’s gran, her uncle Reg and his wife Denise and Chantelle her brother’s ex. I wonder if it’s just me or what, but somehow all the people we are meeting are related to, or friends of Lola and nobody has anything to do with me. Must have something to do with my secret past as an undercover agent or the fact that I am from a distant planet.

Oh, two things I forgot to mention regarding our sail from East London. Lola was not seasick and it made a huge difference to our sail. And the second, Yrumoar developed a new creak near the Nav station. We tried to see what was causing it but couldn’t find anything so sent Rauen under the boat when we got here with my “test instrument” to tap around and make sure nothing had broken under the bridge deck. Fortunately he didn’t find anything wrong under there and since we can’t find anything obvious inside the boat either we decided to strengthen some of the bulkheads in that area and hope it stops the creak.      

11 Nov. 13

On Saturday we decided to go down to the beach and try out the IPTS. IPTS, integrated public transport system or in laymen terms, the bus. The bus stop was just outside the harbour and we only had to wait a few minutes before a bus arrived. The bus trip was short but enjoyable and we walked through the flee market had lunch, watched Rauen skate at the skatepark and finally headed to the beach. PE has a beautiful beach with soft clean sand and turquoise blue crystal clear water. In my opinion the beach in Port Elizabeth would be far better than the beach we saw in Mauritius except for one thing, the water temperature. In Mauritius the water was warm and inviting. In PE the water was not.    

On Sunday morning the Herald Newspaper came to the yacht club to do an interview with us. It seems fame has finally reached our doorstep. Okay no, it seems Lola knows people who know people who know other people. Thanks Leon.

We strengthened the bulkheads with an epoxy fillet and a layer of glass. Hopefully our creak disappears.

Last night we had an impromptu party on Yrumoar. Dylan arrived from Cape Town to sleep over and Ian on HQ whom we had met in Richards bay also arrived. We also made a new friend John. He owns a 24 vivacity that is moored next to us and I chatted to him about it since it reminded me of our time on Bluefin. He had some interesting stories about his time in Argentina and we all stayed up till after midnight having fun and catching up.

This morning two boats left and I helped Miscky undock and watched her leave. We then took a ride on the back of a bakkie to drop Dylan at the airport and bought the newspaper. We just had to see the article and couldn’t contain our excitement when we saw Kyle’s image on the front cover. Our story was on page 3 and it sounded great. Ian also left this afternoon and we are alone again. Well not quite alone since about 200 other boats are docked in the harbour but alone in my mind anyway. And of course the inevitable goodbye’s had to come again. I don’t know if I will ever get used to them.         


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