15 Feb. 13
Woke up really early this morning and sat outside drinking coffee and
listening to the world around me wake up. It is a paradise for bird lovers here
and all around me many different species of birds were flying about. Two large
pelicans came souring past the back of the boat and five or six small wagtails
were competing for space on our lifelines, taking turns to all try and sit on
the same spot. A dove was calling a mate on the spreaders and a small family of
Egyptian geese swam nearby. Reality however was always skirting its way around
the edge with the ever present noise of trucks and cars in the background
adding a bit of big city reality to the mood.
Progress on our new stairs has been very slow. The weather in sunny
Durban is mostly to blame for this. I don’t know how Durban acquired the
reputation of being the sun capital of South Africa since it is only sunny here
between five and six in the morning then it turns overcast with rain for the
rest of the day. So if you happen to be a late sleeper you will never get to
see the sun. We are also waiting for a new alternator for our starboard engine.
I don’t know why I say we are waiting since we don’t really have any plans to
go anywhere anyway so technically we aren’t really waiting for anything.
Stardate: 15….. Year: 2025……..Mission: Get out of Durban.
Its feels about the same as trying to leave into outerspace at the
moment. We are having problems with our tenants and cannot make contact with
the accounts department of the managing agents. Okay we can make contact but
they seem to be speaking a different language to the one we are able to
communicate successfully in. Working Via the internet and E-mails is like
speaking to Houston from planet Durban. We send them a simple E-mail expecting
them to fill in the blanks using the data they have access to and send the
completed mail back so that we can check if all is in order. Quite simple
really. However, somehow Television and the media has sold everyone left on
earth the idea that computers and software will make their lives much easier
and less complicated, freeing up their time to be able to do the things they
really want to do. The all believing human race then adopts this theory, and
suddenly when it is all to late to reverse and go back, they discover, to late,
that they can no longer think or operate without the use of a software package
and a computer. Unbeknownst to them the software engineers have always had a
secret desire to rule the world. (Sorry Russel,….but deep down inside I think
you know its true) and then simply use the accountants of the world who already
suffer to communicate in human to slowly spread their pandemonium across the
face of the planet. Oh damn as my fingers are typing and I see the letters
appear magically on the screen my brain seems to be draining out slowly.
22 Feb. 13
We are still sitting in Durban trying to solve our financial issues.
Lola has been on the net in an attempt to find alternative income sources but
nothing has really helped. I am about a third of the way with my attempt at
writing a book and hope to finish before we run out of cash. I don’t even know
if the book will get published but will finish it anyway. Something of a personal
goal that I have to complete. On a positive note. Living on a boat, working
with paints and epoxies, then having no access to an iron makes your clothes
suffer. Eventually everything you own makes you look like a homeless person.
There are many “jobs” here in SA for homeless people so at least we will have
something to do once we have broken the bank completely. And our painting
experience will come in handy when we have to make a sign board that says
“broke, need money to go cruising.”