Sunday, June 9, 2013

Doubting myself

04 Jun. 13

There have been few times in my life when I have doubted myself. Sitting waiting for replies from literary agents is one of those times. I received my first rejection this morning. Being rejected is never pleasant but the agent wrote the rejection so well that I have to respect her talents. I suppose that is why she is a literary agent. She has the skill required to tell you to go to hell and make you look forward to the trip.

I always have the option to self-publish if all the agents reject my work. I was hoping I wouldn’t need to go that route. it would make me feel I am not good enough but decided to publish anyway. Besides the economics. If an agent publishes they have contacts and I will sell thousands of copies. If I publish myself I could possibly sell two copies to my mother and another two to my kids. My wife would also buy one. This equals five copies. I know I didn’t do very well at school but even my limited knowledge of mathematics tells me I can’t survive on the R175 I made from the five pity sales.

 05 Jun. 13

Two more rejection letters today. Also well written, the trip to hell is sounding more and more exciting.

We received our first batch of sunscreen and insect repellent yesterday. Obviously the labels had to be wrong. It’s just not possible for anything to go smoothly. I suppose it is our first payment in the learning curve that comes with all new ventures.

06 Jun. 13

While Lola and the boys went to the spar for some groceries I stayed in the parking area and tried to sell some product. It’s been a while so I was a bit rusty but I still remember most of the requirements. Never ask a question that can prompt a negative response. For example. Do you have a minute? This question immediately allows the potential buyer to say no. Another example. Can I interest you in blah blah blah? Also allows a negative response.

Always have more than one product. This allows you to form an option question and eliminates a negative response question. Example. Do you use sunscreen or insect repellent? Most people would choose one. If you pass this first obstacle and they have chosen one or the other, focus on the one they choose. You ask no more questions explaining one or two benefits of your product. Then you offer a test of the product, like smell or whatever your product has to offer. If they don’t ignore you and walk away at this point you inform them your price by comparison to your nearest opposition. Example. You will save 40% on this product, but for today only. Hopefully you have your sale.

However, the amount of beggars in South Africa have made this job quite difficult. As soon as you are noticed people try to find an escape route. I was standing at the lift entrance and the stairs are about fifty metres away. So now they spot me and have to choose. Do I deal with the “beggar”, or walk the fifty metres to the stairs? Most people are lazy and use the lift anyway. So they look me over from a distance then avoid eye contact when they get closer and attempt to slip into the lift before I can say anything.

Since it was Wednesday during working hours I only had a total of nine people going into the lift. Of the ten four were old men, close to a hundred, so I didn’t stop them. I couldn’t see them going to the beech very often. One slightly younger man about eighty five, informed me he never goes outside. One more man arrived and waved me away before I said a word stating something about his mother on her death bed and how he shouldn’t even be at the spar. My first two ladies arrived in the same car and informed me they only use product x and are allergic to everything else. Finally a young mommy arrived in a fancy four wheel drive. She was almost sold when the lift door opened and some of the nearly dead came out. So no sales.

07 Jun. 13

We watched as a black sparrow hawk tried to hunt breakfast this morning. Someone here told me it is a black sparrow hawk so I hope he gave me the correct name. He glides silently across the sky and swoops down on his prey chasing it acrobatically until he catches his food. This morning however his prey outsmarted him and escaped. There are always birds in the sky here and I can see at least five different species at any time. When the hawk arrives however, the sky clears and all the birds disappear. Not bad considering they all have, “bird brains.”      

I didn’t get any go to hell responses yesterday. Not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing. I decided to give the job search another try and sent my CV to another ten places. Perhaps I am lucky this time round.

08 Jun. 13

One more go to hell yesterday. This one less tactful than the others giving me a more direct path to follow. Simple yet effective. “Not for us, thank you.” At least they said thank you. 

We ordered a new raw water pump for the port engine from Sweden and await its arrival. I finally completed the wood rot repair near the filler cap and will start with the rotten piece on the back step next week. Soon the entire boat will be fibreglass with foam core. Using the foam core and glass is expensive but at least it won’t rot.



Lola is busy with a course on line, hopefully it teaches her something useful. We are expecting a big blow later this afternoon so I have to pack everything away. While living in our house we never worried or even took note of the weather. Now it is everything and all our decisions are made accordingly.   



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