Wednesday, February 1, 2012

The end of another Year

24 Dec. 11

Yesterday it rained the whole day so we spent most of our time indoors watching movies eating popcorn and sweets. It’s great to have a movie day every now and then not thinking about the boat work. It’s not so great for your figure eating popcorn and sweets for the day so today I feel a bit guilty about the over indulgence of yesterday. It’s also not great for our January deadline that is rapidly approaching us. The rain seems to have settled in for a few days so not much will be achieved until it passes. We try to convince ourselves that we can do indoor work during the rain but seldom actually get any of it done. We do get some done when its just overcast with a few spits of rain periodically, but when it persistently comes down as it does most of the time down here, we can do nothing but hide indoors, sit and watch the rain waiting for it to end.

28 Dec. 11

Christmas came and went along with Boxing Day and the deputy president of South Africa declared that Tuesday will also become a public holiday since Christmas fell on a Sunday. This no longer has any effect on us except that some of the shops may be closed for a day longer.

My Daughter and her boyfriend arrived on Boxing Day making that day even more special for me. I am not sure how long they will be staying but it can never be long enough anyway. Time is the one thing we cannot stop as it flies past so quickly and consistently taking the exact special moment you have right now and turning it into a distant memory of the past in a matter of seconds.

31 Dec. 11

Well the year has sprinted to an end and we are still no further or shall I say no closer to the water than we have been for the last six months. My daughter Amy and her boyfriend Dean have gone off to enjoy New Year celebrations in Balito. It’s apparently Africa’s largest street party. They did it last year to but landed up having a very miserable evening due to mismanagement by the event management. A typical African story really. I hope this year shows better results and they have an absolute blast. We are just going to hang around on the boat and maybe later we will take a walk up to the club to see what’s up.

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